EPPO Global Database

Bothrogonia ferruginea(TETTFE)

Distribution details in Japan (Shikoku)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2014: Present, no details
* Ishihara T (1962) The Black-tipped Leafhopper, Bothrogonia ferruginea Auct., of Japan and Formosa. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 6(4), 289-292.
------- as Bothrogonia japonica, synonymized with B. ferruginea by Young (1986 - below)

* Young DA (1986) Taxonomic Study of the Cicadellinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) Part 3. Old World Cicadellini. The North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Technical Bulletin 281. 639 pp.

* Takao Museum (2024) Bothrogonia ferruginea. Insects. Treasures of Mt. Takao. Available at https://www.takao599museum.jp