EPPO Global Database

Crinivirus ipomeae(SPCSV0)

Distribution details in Spain

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2007: Present, no details
First recorded in: 2002
Valverde et al. (2004): symptoms in Malaga (Andalusia) and Canary Islands. identity of virus confirmed in Malaga. "During the past decade, sweet potato plants showing symptoms similar to SPVD have been observed in most areas of Spain "
* Trenado HP, Lozano G, Valverde RA, Navas-Castillo J (2007) First report of Sweet potato virus G and Sweet potato virus 2 infecting sweet potato in Spain. Plant Disease 91(12), 1687. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-91-12-1687C
------- Detected in some plant infected with Sweet potato virus G and Sweet potato virus 2, and sometimes with Sweet potato feathery mottle virus.

* Valverde RA, Lozano G, Navas-Castillo J, Ramos A, Valdés F (2004) First report of Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus and Sweet potato feathery mottle virus infecting sweet potato in Spain. Plant Disease 88(4), 428. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS.2004.88.4.428B
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Portugal Present, few occurrences view...