EPPO Global Database

Potexvirus ecspotati(PVX000)

Distribution details in Colombia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2021: Present, no details
* Gallo-García YM, Sierra-Mejia A, Gutiérrez-Sánchez PA, Marín-Montoya MA (2021) Prevalencia de cinco virus de ARN en tubérculos-semilla de papa cultivados en Antioquia (Colombia). Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial 19(1), 66-78.

* Sierra Mejía A, Gallo García Y, Estrada Arteaga M, Gutiérrez PA, Marín Montoya M (2020) Molecular detection of six RNA viruses in tuber sprouts of potato (Solanum phureja) in Antioquia, Colombia. Bioagro 32(1), 3-14.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Brazil Present, no details view...
Brazil Minas Gerais Present, no details view...
Brazil Sao Paulo Present, no details view...
Brazil Rio Grande do Sul Present, no details view...
Brazil Pernambuco Present, no details view...
Ecuador Present, no details view...
Peru Present, no details view...