EPPO Global Database

Tepovirus tafsolani(PVT000)

Distribution details in Bolivia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2018: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 781 (1999): Present, no details
* Abad JA (1979) Estudio comparativo de dos aislamientos del virus T de la papa. [Comparative study of two isolates of potato T] MSc. Thesis. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Peru, 90 pp.
------- Detected in Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum.

* Adams IP, Abad J, Fribourg CE, Boonham N, Jones RAC (2018) Complete genome sequence of Potato virus T from Bolivia, obtained from a 33-year-old sample. Microbiology Resource Announcements 7, e01066. https://doi.org/10.1128/MRA.01066-18
-------- Detected in Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum.

* Jones RAC (1982) Tests for transmission of four potato viruses through potato true seed. Annals of Applied Biology 100(2), 315-320.

* Lizárraga C, Querci M, Santa Cruz M, Bartolini I, Salazar LF (2000) Other natural hosts of potato virus T. Plant Disease 84, 736-738.
------- Detected in in vitro accessions of Ullucus tuberosus in the International Potato Centre's Germplasm Collection. Further investigations are needed to better understand the distribution of this virus in Bolivia.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Argentina Present, no details view...
Brazil Absent, invalid record view...
Chile Absent, unreliable record view...
Peru Present, widespread view...