EPPO Global Database

Pratylenchus coffeae(PRATCO)

Distribution details in Mexico

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2024: Absent, invalid record
From CABI Disease map 816 (2000): Present, restricted distribution
The NPPO of Mexico officially confirmed the absence of this pest in May 2024 considering that earlier records are invalid.
* Knobloch, N. A.; Laughlin, C. W. (1973) Nematologica 19 (2), 205-217.

* NPPO of Mexico (2024-05).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belize Present, no details view...
Guatemala Present, widespread view...
United States of America Florida Present, no details view...
United States of America Arkansas Present, no details view...
United States of America Hawaii Present, widespread view...
United States of America California Present, no details view...
United States of America Present, widespread view...
United States of America South Carolina Present, no details view...