EPPO Global Database

Ilarvirus PNRSV(PNRSV0)

Distribution details in Türkiye

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2019: Present, widespread
From CABI Disease map 875 (2002): Present, widespread
* Çelik A, Ertunç F (2019) First report of prunus necrotic ringspot virus infecting apple in Turkey. Journal of Plant Pathology 101, p 1227. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-019-00286-7
------- In apple (Malus domestica) in the Bursa province.

* Dunez, J. (1986) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 34 (1), 43-48.

* Myrta, A.; Terlizzi, B. di; Boscia, D.; Choueiri, E.; Gatt, M.; Gavriel, I.; Caglayan, K.; Varveri, C.; Zeramdini, H.; Aparicio, F.; Pallas, V.; Savino, V. (2001) Journal of Plant Pathology 83 (1), 45-49.

* Sipahioglu, H. M.; Myrta, A.; Abou-Ghanem, N.; Terlizzi, B. di; Savino, V. (1999) Bulletin OEPP 29 (4), 439-442.

* Yegül M, Baloğlu S (2020) Detection and characterization of some virus diseases seen in almond trees in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Plant Protection Bulletin, 60 (1), 71-84.
------- in almond, in Eastern Mediterranean Region.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Bulgaria Present, no details view...
Greece Present, widespread view...
Iran, Islamic Republic of Present, no details view...
Syrian Arab Republic Present, no details view...