Ilarvirus PNRSV(PNRSV0)
Distribution details in Korea, Republic of
* Kim HR, Cho IS, Shin IS, Cho KH, Kim SH, Kim KH, Hwang HS (2013) Virus and viroid diseases on fruit trees in Republic of Korea. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica 43(suppl.), p 444.
------- Detected in peach orchards.
* Jo Y, Choi H, Lian S, Cho JK, Chu H, Cho WK (2020) Identification of viruses infecting six plum cultivars in Korea by RNA-sequencing. PeerJ 8, e9588
------- On Prunus salicina.
------- Detected in peach orchards.
* Jo Y, Choi H, Lian S, Cho JK, Chu H, Cho WK (2020) Identification of viruses infecting six plum cultivars in Korea by RNA-sequencing. PeerJ 8, e9588
------- On Prunus salicina.