EPPO Global Database

Polerovirus PLRV(PLRV00)

Distribution details in United States of America (Colorado)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 1984: Present, no details
* Brown WM, Cranshaw WM, Davidson RD, Holm DG, Klein R, Knutson KW, Livingston CH, Harrison MD, McIntyre GA (1979-1984) Current status of potato leafroll virus disease in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Bulletin 536A. Colorado State University Cooperatire Extension. 16 pp. Available from https://www.coloradopotato.org/
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Canada British Columbia Present, no details view...
Canada New Brunswick Present, no details view...
Canada Alberta Present, no details view...
Canada Ontario Present, no details view...
Canada Saskatchewan Present, no details view...
Canada Manitoba Present, no details view...
Canada Québec Present, no details view...
Canada Prince Edward Island Present, no details view...
Canada Present, no details view...
Mexico Present, no details view...