Phytophthora ramorum(PHYTRA)
Distribution details in Japan (Shikoku)
First recorded in: 2018
From CABI Disease map 978 (2022): Present, no details
* Jung T, Horta Jung M, Webber JF, Kageyama K, Hieno A, Masuya H, Uematsu S, Pérez-Sierra A, Harris AR, Forster J, Rees H, Scanu B, Patra S, Kudláček T, Janoušek J, Corcobado T, Milenković I, Nagy Z, Csorba I, Bakonyi J, Brasier CM (2021)The destructive tree pathogen Phytophthora ramorum originates from the laurosilva forests of East Asia. Journal of Fungi 7(3):226.
------- isolated from forests in Shikoku and Kyushu.
------- isolated from forests in Shikoku and Kyushu.