EPPO Global Database

Phenacoccus solenopsis(PHENSO)

Distribution details in United States of America (Idaho)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2012: Present, no details
From CABI Pest map 761 (2012): Present, no details
* Fuchs, T. W.; Stewart, J. W.; Minzenmayer, R.; Rose, M. (1991) Southwestern Entomologist 16 (3), 215-221.

* Gordh, G. (1979) In: Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico Volume 1 (Ed. by Kromkein, K.V.), 890-967. Smithsonian Institution Institite Press, Washington DC, USA.

* Hodgson, C. J.; Abbas, G.; Arif, M. J.; Saeed, S.; Karar, H. (2008) Zootaxa, 1913, 1-35.

* Nelson, C. R.; Haws, B. A.; Nelson, D. L. (1990) General Technical Report - Intermountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service INT-276, 152-165.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Canada Present, few occurrences view...
Canada Alberta Present, few occurrences view...
Mexico Present, no details view...