EPPO Global Database

Paysandisia archon(PAYSAR)

Distribution details in Croatia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2024: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 2011
First found in 2011 near Split-Brnik (Split-Dalmatia county) on Phoenix canariensis, Trachycarpus forttrunei and Washingtonia filifera. In 2012, it was found near Split (Brnik county) and near Zadar (Zadar county). In Kožino (Zadar county), severe damage to palm trees were observed.
* Bužleta F, Koren T (2024) Stalking a non-native species on social media: Updating the distribution of Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1879) in Croatia through citizen science. Natura Croatica: Periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici 33(1), 53-63.
------- spreading along the coast.

* Milek T M, Šimala M (2013) First records of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) and the palm borer, Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1880) in Croatia. In: Proceedings of the 11th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection (Bled, SI, 2013-03-05/06), pp 366-368.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Slovenia Present, restricted distribution view...