EPPO Global Database

Ophelimus maskelli(OPHEMA)

Distribution details in Israel

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2019: Present, no details
From CABI Pest map 757 (2023): Present, no details
* Mendel Z, Protasov A (2019) The entomofauna on Eucalyptus in Israel: A review. European Journal of Entomology 116, 450-460. https://doi.org/10.14411/eje.2019.046

* Protasov A, La Salle J, Blumberg D, Brand D, Saphir N, Assael F, Fisher N, Mendel Z (2007) Biology, revised taxonomy and impact on host plants of Ophelimus maskelli, an invasive gall inducer on Eucalyptus spp. in the Mediterranean area. Phytoparasitica 35(1), 50-76.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Syrian Arab Republic Present, no details view...