EPPO Global Database

Metcalfa pruinosa(METFPR)

Distribution details in Czech Republic

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2006: Absent, pest eradicated
First recorded in: 2001
From CABI Pest map 529 (2018): Absent, pest eradicated
First recorded in Brno, in 2001 in an outdoor ornamental gardening shop. Introduced populations were then eradicated by insecticide applications.
* Lauterer P, Malenovsky I (2002) Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) introduced into the Czech Republic (Hemiptera, Flatidae). Beitrage zur Zikadenkunde 5, 10-13 (abst.).
------- First report.

* Strauss G (2009) Host range testing of the nearctic beneficial parasitoid Neodryinus typhlocybae . BioControl 54, 163–171.
------- Eradication.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Austria Present, no details view...
Germany Present, no details view...
Poland Present, few occurrences view...
Slovakia Present, no details view...