Melampsoridium hiratsukanum(MELDHI)
Distribution details in United Kingdom
According to Fera (2013), numerous records in the UK on alder, with nearly 200 records in Wales, 2 records on Betula pubescens and further records throughout England; but no records on Larix spp.
* Hantula J, Stringer RN, Lilja A, Kurkela T (2012) Alder rust, Melampsoridium hiratsukanum Ito, identified from Wales, UK and British Columbia, Canada. Forest Pathology 42, 348-350.
------- Confirms the occurrence of M. hiratsukanum in samples of Alnus incana and A. glutinosa collected from Wales.
* Hantula J, Kurkela T, Hendry S, Yamaguchi T (2009) Morphological measurements and ITS-sequences show that the new alder rust in Europe is conspecific to Melampsoridium hiratsukanum in East Asia. Mycologia 101, 622-631.
------- The isolates from Scotland belong to the Melampsoridium betulinum-like native rust.
* Fera (2013) Rapid PRA for Melampsoridium hiratsukanum by Charles Lane, Sharon Matthews Berry, Helen Anderson.
------- Confirms the occurrence of M. hiratsukanum in samples of Alnus incana and A. glutinosa collected from Wales.
* Hantula J, Kurkela T, Hendry S, Yamaguchi T (2009) Morphological measurements and ITS-sequences show that the new alder rust in Europe is conspecific to Melampsoridium hiratsukanum in East Asia. Mycologia 101, 622-631.
------- The isolates from Scotland belong to the Melampsoridium betulinum-like native rust.
* Fera (2013) Rapid PRA for Melampsoridium hiratsukanum by Charles Lane, Sharon Matthews Berry, Helen Anderson.