EPPO Global Database

Lymantria dispar(LYMADI)

Distribution details in Kazakhstan

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2020: Present, restricted distribution
From CABI Pest map 026 (1981): Present, no details
As of 2020-01: present in 3 regions (595 ha).
* Anonymous (2020) Справочник по карантинному фитосанитарному состоянию территорий государств - участников СНГ на 01.01.2020 г. [Handbook of quarantine phytosanitary conditions in the territories of the CIS Member States as of 2020-01-01]. All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center. 92pp. Available at https://vniikr.ru/today/intercoll/inter-coord
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
China Hebei Present, no details view...
China Liaoning Present, no details view...
China Jiangsu Present, no details view...
China Shandong Present, no details view...
China Jiangxi Present, no details view...
China Xizhang Present, no details view...
China Present, no details view...
China Neimenggu Present, no details view...
China Heilongjiang Present, no details view...
China Jilin Present, no details view...
Kyrgyzstan Present, no details view...
Russia Far East Present, no details view...
Russia Eastern Siberia Present, no details view...
Russia Western Siberia Present, no details view...
Russia Present, restricted distribution view...
Turkmenistan Present, no details view...
Uzbekistan Present, no details view...