EPPO Global Database

Neofusicoccum laricinum(GUIGLA)

Distribution details in China (Liaoning)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2002: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 545 (1994): Present, no details
* Chen MM (2002) Forest fungi phytogeography: Forest fungi phytogeography of China, North America, and Siberia and international quarantine of tree pathogens. Pacific Mushroom Research and Education Center, Sacramento, California, 469 pp.

* Zhang BC, Huang YC (1990) A list of important plant diseases in China. Review of Plant Pathology 69(3), 97-118.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Present, no details view...
Russia Far East Present, no details view...
Russia Present, restricted distribution view...