Phyllosticta citricarpa(GUIGCI)
Distribution details in United States of America (Florida)
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, only in some areas in Florida, and subject to official control to limit its spread in the United States (2018-08)
From CABI Disease map 53 (2023): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2010/077) : first confirmed record in March 2010 on commercial Valencia sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis) in the Immokalee area (Collier county), Florida. Under official control.
Regulated areas were subsequently expanded to include new zones in the counties of Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Lee and Polk (Stocks, 2012; NPPO, 2017 & 2018).
Regulated areas were subsequently expanded to include new zones in the counties of Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Lee and Polk (Stocks, 2012; NPPO, 2017 & 2018).
* McMillan, R.T. (1986) Guignardia citricarpa a cause of black spot of mango in Florida. Journal of Phytopathology 117, 260-264.
------- No proof that the isolate from mango could infect citrus; probably G. mangiferae which is naturally found on mangoes. Therefore this record was considered doubtful.
* NAPPO Phytosanitary Pest Alert System. Official Pest Reports.
- USA (20178-08-13) Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot) – APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida.
- USA (2017-06-09) Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot) – APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida.
* Schubert T, Sutton B, Jeyaprakash A (2010) Pest Alert - Citrus black spot (Guignardia citricarpa) discovered in Florida. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
------- First confirmed record.
* Schubert TS, Dewdney MM, Palm ME, Jeyaprakash A, Sutton B (2012) First report of Guignardia citricarpa associated with citrus black spot on sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) in North America. Plant Disease 96(8), p 1225.
------- The initial infested area was approximately 57 km2.
* Stocks S (2012) Citrus black spot detected in Polk county, Florida. NPDP First Detector Network News 7(10), p 4.
------- Polk county.
* Stocks S (2012) APHIS expands citrus black spot regulated area in Florida. NPDP First Detector Network News 8(3), p 9.
------- Regulated area: 9 sections in Collier county; 8 in Hendry county and 1 in Polk county.
* USDA (2010) USDA confirms new citrus disease in Florida. News Release of 2010-04-08.
------- First confirmed record.
------- No proof that the isolate from mango could infect citrus; probably G. mangiferae which is naturally found on mangoes. Therefore this record was considered doubtful.
* NAPPO Phytosanitary Pest Alert System. Official Pest Reports.
- USA (20178-08-13) Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot) – APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida.
- USA (2017-06-09) Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot) – APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida.
* Schubert T, Sutton B, Jeyaprakash A (2010) Pest Alert - Citrus black spot (Guignardia citricarpa) discovered in Florida. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
------- First confirmed record.
* Schubert TS, Dewdney MM, Palm ME, Jeyaprakash A, Sutton B (2012) First report of Guignardia citricarpa associated with citrus black spot on sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) in North America. Plant Disease 96(8), p 1225.
------- The initial infested area was approximately 57 km2.
* Stocks S (2012) Citrus black spot detected in Polk county, Florida. NPDP First Detector Network News 7(10), p 4.
------- Polk county.
* Stocks S (2012) APHIS expands citrus black spot regulated area in Florida. NPDP First Detector Network News 8(3), p 9.
------- Regulated area: 9 sections in Collier county; 8 in Hendry county and 1 in Polk county.
* USDA (2010) USDA confirms new citrus disease in Florida. News Release of 2010-04-08.
------- First confirmed record.
Country | State | Status | |
Mexico | Absent, unreliable record |