Phyllosticta citricarpa(GUIGCI)
Distribution details in Eswatini
EPPO Reporting Service (2000/052) : intercepted in NL on orange from Swaziland, so possibly present there (interception).
EPPO Reporting Service (2011/062) : on imported citrus fruits by the Netherlands (interception).
EPPO Reporting Service (2013/246) : intercepted by the Netherlands and the UK on citrus imported from Swaziland (interceptions).
EPPO Reporting Service (2015/195) : intercepted by the UK on on a consignment of Citrus sinensis from Swaziland (interception).
EPPO Reporting Service (2017/208) : intercepted by the UK on Citrus paradisi imported from Swaziland (interception).
EPPO Reporting Service (2018/213) : intercepted by the UK on Citrus sinensis fruit imported from Swaziland (interception).
EPPO Reporting Service (2020/049) : intercepted by the UK on Citrus sinensis fruit imported from Swaziland (interception).
* Halueendo KLME. (2008) Impact assessment of citrus black spot Guignardia citricarpa Kiely in Southern Africa and an alternative approach in management strategies. Thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
* Paul I, Jaarsveld AS van, Korsten L, Hattingh V (2005) The potential global geographical distribution of citrus black spot caused by Guignardia citricarpa (Kiely): likelihood of disease establishment in the European Union. Crop Protection 24(4), 297-308.
* Stammler G, Schutte GC, Speakman J, Miessner S, Crous PW (2013) Phyllosticta species on citrus: risk estimation of resistance to QoI fungicides and identification of species with cytochrome b gene sequences. Crop Protection, 48, 6–12.
------- Three isolates of P. citricarpa from Swaziland (1 from Citrus sinensis and 2 from C. paradisi).
* Paul I, Jaarsveld AS van, Korsten L, Hattingh V (2005) The potential global geographical distribution of citrus black spot caused by Guignardia citricarpa (Kiely): likelihood of disease establishment in the European Union. Crop Protection 24(4), 297-308.
* Stammler G, Schutte GC, Speakman J, Miessner S, Crous PW (2013) Phyllosticta species on citrus: risk estimation of resistance to QoI fungicides and identification of species with cytochrome b gene sequences. Crop Protection, 48, 6–12.
------- Three isolates of P. citricarpa from Swaziland (1 from Citrus sinensis and 2 from C. paradisi).
Country | State | Status | |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | Absent, confirmed by survey | ||
Mozambique | Present, no details |