EPPO Global Database

Trichovirus pinovitis(GPGV00)

Distribution details in Italy

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2020: Present, widespread
First recorded in: 2012
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, in specific parts of the Member State, where host crop(s) are grown (2020-01)
From CABI Disease map 1176 (2015): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2014/006) : described for the first time in Italy on 1 symptomatic grapevine plant in the Autonomous province of Trento, this plant was also infected by other viruses and viroids.

In 2013, the virus was also detected in a commercial vineyard in San Giorgio Piacentino (Piacenza province, Emilia-Romagna region). Its association with the observed symptoms needs to be clarified, as well as its epidemiology.

EPPO Reporting Service (2015/095) : also found in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardia, Veneto, and Puglia (on table grapes) regions.

Also found in Lazio region (Gentili et al., 2016).

From NPPO (2020): Virus reported in many areas. Managed by certification procedure for the production of plants.
* Beber R, Babini AR, Terlizzi F, Poggi Pollini C, Credi R, Ratti C (2013) First report of Grapevine Pinot gris virus in Emilia-Romagna and Veneto regions. Journal of Plant Pathology 95(4S), S4.36.
------- Veneto region.

* Beber R, de Lillo E, Malagnini V, Gualandri V, Poggi Pollini C, Ratti C, Saldarelli P, Valenzano D, Vernile P, Terlizzi F (2013) Transmission trials of Grapevine Pinot gris virus by the eriophyid mite Colomerus vitis. Journal of Plant Pathology 95(4S), S4.36.

* Bianchi GL, De Amicis F, De Sabbata L, Di Bernardo N, Governatori G, Nonino F, Prete G, Marrazzo T, Versolatto S, Frausin C (2015) Occurrence of Grapevine Pinot gris virus in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy): field monitoring and virus quantification by real-time RT-PCR. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 45(1), 22-32.

* Casati P, Durante G, Quaglino F, Sacchi E, Bianco PA (2014) Preliminary data on the presence of Grapevine Pinot gris virus in Lombardy. Journal of Plant Pathology 96(suppl.), S4.46-47.
------- Lombardia region.

* Gentili A, Di Lucca E, Luigi M, Faggioli F (2016) Identification and characterization of Grapevine Pinot gris virus in Lazio. Journal of Plant Pathology 98(suppl.), S45.

* Giampetruzzi A, Roumi V, Roberto R, Malossini U, Yoshikawa N, La Notte P, Terlizzi F, Credi R, Saldarelli P (2012) A new grapevine virus discovered by deep sequencing of virus- and viroid-derived small RNAs in cv Pinot gris. Virus Research 163, 262-268.
------- First description.

* Morelli M, de Moraes Catarino A, Susca L, Saldarelli P, Gualandri V, Martelli GP (2014) First report of Grapevine Pinot gris virus from table grapes in Southern Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology 96(2), p 439.

* NPPO of Italy (2013-10, 2020-01).

* Raiola A, Scopel C, Ferrigo D, Taglietti F, Duso C, Causin R (2013) First report of Grapevine Pinot gris virus infecting cv. Glera in the Conegliano-Valdobbiadene area. Journal of Plant Pathology 95(4S), S4.58.
------- Veneto region.

* Saldarelli P, Beber R, Covelli L, Bianchedi P, Credi R, Giampetruzzi A, Malossini Y, Pirolo C, Poggi Pollini C, Ratti C, Terlizzi F, Gualandri V (2013) Studies on a new grapevine disease in Trentino vineyards. Journal of Plant Pathology 95(4S), S4.60.

* Saldarelli P, Giampetruzzi A, Morelli M, Malossini U, Pirolo C, Bianchedi P, Gualandri V (2015) Genetic variability of Grapevine Pinot gris virus and its association with grapevine leaf mottling and deformation. Phytopathology 105(4), 555-563.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
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Slovenia Present, restricted distribution view...
Switzerland Present, no details view...