Glycaspis brimblecombei(GLYSBR)
Distribution details in France
First recorded in: 2011
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, only in some areas (Southeastern France, Corse) (2012-03)
From CABI (2021): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2012/051) : first found in 2011 in the southeast and in Corse, mainly on ornamental E. camaldulensis. Detected in the following departments: Alpes-Maritimes (Nice and several other localities), Bouches-du Rhône (La Ciotat), Corse-du-Sud (Grosseto-Prugna), Hérault (Montferrier-sur-Lez), Var (Seyne-sur-Mer). No official control measures were taken against G. brimblecombei.
* Martinez M, Germain JF, Streito JC (2014) Insectes ravageurs invasifs: le point sur les espèces introduites. Phytoma no.677, 18-22.
* NPPO of France (2012-03).
* NPPO of France (2012-03).
Country | State | Status | |
Italy | Sardegna | Present, no details | |
Italy | Sicilia | Present, widespread | |
Italy | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Reunion | Present, no details | ||
Spain | Islas Canárias | Present, no details | |
Spain | Islas Baleares | Present, no details | |
Spain | Present, restricted distribution |