EPPO Global Database

Colletotrichum gossypii(GLOMGO)

Distribution details in Bolivia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 1996: Present, no details
* Bailey JA, Nash C, Morgan LW, O’Connell RJ, TeBeest DO (1996) Molecular taxonomy of Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose on the Malvaceae. Phytopathology, 86, 1076–1083.
------- one isolate from Bolivia.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Argentina Present, no details view...
Brazil Bahia Present, no details view...
Brazil Ceara Present, no details view...
Brazil Mato Grosso Present, no details view...
Brazil Present, no details view...
Brazil Mato Grosso do Sul Present, no details view...
Brazil Para Present, no details view...
Brazil Paraiba Present, no details view...
Brazil Parana Present, no details view...
Brazil Pernambuco Present, no details view...
Brazil Espirito Santo Present, no details view...
Brazil Sao Paulo Present, no details view...
Paraguay Present, restricted distribution view...