Fusarium circinatum(GIBBCI)
Distribution details in Korea, Republic of
First recorded in: 1990s
From CABI Disease map 753 (2024): Present, widespread
EPPO Reporting Service (2009/065) : first detected in the mid-1990s. Mainly found in the western part of Korea in urban and forest plantations (rarely in nurseries).
* Cho, W. D.; Shin, H. D., Eds. (2004) List of plant diseases in Korea. Fourth edition. Korean Society of Plant Pathology, 779 pp.
------- Source: http://www.nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.
* Kim YS, Woo KS, Koo YB, Yeo JK (2008) Variation in susceptibility of six pine species and hybrids to pitch canker caused by Fusarium circinatum. Forest Pathology 38(6), 419-428.
* Lee J K, Lee S H, Yang S I, Lee Y W (2000) First report of pitch canker disease on Pinus rigida in Korea. Plant Pathology Journal. 52-54.
------- First reported in mid-1990s from Incheon. In urban, natural and planted forests. Gyoenggi, Chungcheong and Gangwon provinces.
* Woo K S, Yoon J H, Han S U, Kim C S (2010) Assessment of pathogenic variation against pitch canker pathogen, Fusarium circinatum in Pinus thunbergii and responses of natural selection Pinus × rigitaeda to branch inoculation in a seed orchard. Plant Pathology Journal. 26 (4), 299-305.
------- on Jeju island in seed orchards and urban areas.
* Yoon, J. H.; Woo, K. S.; Shin, H. N.; Lee, S. K. (2009) Korean Journal of Breeding Science 41 (4), 420-428.
------- Jeju Island.
------- Source: http://www.nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.
* Kim YS, Woo KS, Koo YB, Yeo JK (2008) Variation in susceptibility of six pine species and hybrids to pitch canker caused by Fusarium circinatum. Forest Pathology 38(6), 419-428.
* Lee J K, Lee S H, Yang S I, Lee Y W (2000) First report of pitch canker disease on Pinus rigida in Korea. Plant Pathology Journal. 52-54.
------- First reported in mid-1990s from Incheon. In urban, natural and planted forests. Gyoenggi, Chungcheong and Gangwon provinces.
* Woo K S, Yoon J H, Han S U, Kim C S (2010) Assessment of pathogenic variation against pitch canker pathogen, Fusarium circinatum in Pinus thunbergii and responses of natural selection Pinus × rigitaeda to branch inoculation in a seed orchard. Plant Pathology Journal. 26 (4), 299-305.
------- on Jeju island in seed orchards and urban areas.
* Yoon, J. H.; Woo, K. S.; Shin, H. N.; Lee, S. K. (2009) Korean Journal of Breeding Science 41 (4), 420-428.
------- Jeju Island.