EPPO Global Database

Ditylenchus gigas(DITYGI)

Distribution details in Spain

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2011: Present, restricted distribution
From CABI Disease map 1321 (2023): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2012/188) : Southern Spain (Cordoba, Andalucia).
* Vovlas N, Troccoli A, Palomares-Rius JE, Luca F, de Liébanas G, Landa BB, Subbotin SA, Castillo P (2011) Ditylenchus gigas n. sp. parasitizing broad bean: a new stem nematode singled out from the Ditylenchus dipsaci species complex using a polyphasic approach with molecular phylogeny. Plant Pathology 60(4), 762-775.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
France Present, no details view...
Morocco Present, no details view...