EPPO Global Database

Ditylenchus dipsaci(DITYDI)

Distribution details in United States of America

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2014: Present, widespread
From CABI Disease map 791 (2009): Present, widespread
From NPPO: Present, widespread
Present in 38 out of 50 states (without further details).
* Gray, F. A. (1988) Report, 31st North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference, Beltsville, Maryland, USA, 19-23 June 1988, p. 114.

* NPPO of the USA (1994).

* Testen AL, Walsh EK, Taylor CG, Miller SA, Lopez-Nicora HD (2014) First report of bloat nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) infecting garlic in Ohio. Plant Disease 98(6), 859-860.
------- In Ohio on garlic (Allium sativum).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Canada Present, restricted distribution view...
Canada Alberta Present, no details view...
Canada Prince Edward Island Present, no details view...
Canada British Columbia Present, no details view...
Canada Ontario Present, no details view...
Canada Québec Present, no details view...
Canada Saskatchewan Present, few occurrences view...
Mexico Present, widespread view...