Ditylenchus dipsaci(DITYDI)
Distribution details in Latvia
First recorded in: 2010
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, only in some areas (2013-10)
From CABI Disease map 791 (2009): Present, no details
EPPO Reporting Service (2013/224) : since the first finding of D. dipsaci in 2010, surveys have been carried out by the NPPO. They have showed that the nematode has a restricted distribution.
* Eglitis, V. K.; Kaktynya, D. K.; Kaktina, D. K. (1970) Proceedings, 7th Baltic Conference on Plant Protection, pp. 66-69.
------- The NPPO considers that the first finding of D. dipsaci was made in 2010.
* NPPO of Latvia (2013-10).
------- The NPPO considers that the first finding of D. dipsaci was made in 2010.
* NPPO of Latvia (2013-10).
Country | State | Status | |
Belarus | Present, no details | ||
Estonia | Present, few occurrences | ||
Lithuania | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Russia | Western Siberia | Present, no details | |
Russia | Far East | Present, no details | |
Russia | Southern Russia | Present, no details | |
Russia | Central Russia | Present, no details | |
Russia | Present, no details |