Diplocarpon coronariae(DIPCML)
Distribution details in Japan
First recorded in: 1907
From CABI Disease map 1099 (2023): Present, no details
EPPO Reporting Service (2013/103)
According to Harada et al. (1974), the disease was first reported in japan in 1907. It was destructive in the 1910s but its occurrence gradually decreased probably due to the use of Bordeaux mixture.
According to Harada et al. (1974), the disease was first reported in japan in 1907. It was destructive in the 1910s but its occurrence gradually decreased probably due to the use of Bordeaux mixture.
* Harada Y, Sawamura K, Konno K (1974) Diplocarpon mali, sp. nov., the perfect state of apple blotch fungus Marssonina coronaria. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 40, 412-418.
* Kobayashi, T. (2007) Index of fungi inhabiting woody plants in Japan. Host, Distribution and Literature. Zenkoku-Noson-Kyoiku Kyokai Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 1227 pp. [On flowering quince (Chaenomeles lagenaria). Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.]
* Takahashi, S.; Sawamura, K. (1990) In: Compendium of Apple and Pear Diseases (Ed. by Jones, A.L.; Aldwinckle, H.S.), 33. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
* Kobayashi, T. (2007) Index of fungi inhabiting woody plants in Japan. Host, Distribution and Literature. Zenkoku-Noson-Kyoiku Kyokai Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 1227 pp. [On flowering quince (Chaenomeles lagenaria). Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.]
* Takahashi, S.; Sawamura, K. (1990) In: Compendium of Apple and Pear Diseases (Ed. by Jones, A.L.; Aldwinckle, H.S.), 33. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.