Diplocarpon coronariae(DIPCML)
Distribution details in Germany
First recorded in: 2010
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, in parts of the area (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse, Saxony) (2014-09)
From CABI Disease map 1099 (2023): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2013/103) : first report of Diplocarpon mali in Germany.
EPPO Reporting Service (2014/194) : also found in Sachsen.
EPPO Reporting Service (2014/194) : also found in Sachsen.
* Hinrichs-Berger J, Müller G (2013) [Occurrence of Marssonina coronaria on apple trees in Baden-Württemberg]. Journal für Kulturflanzen 65(9), 347-350 (in German).
* Hinrichs-Berger J, Müller G (2012) [Premature defoliation on apple trees in Baden-Württemberg caused by Marssonina coronaria]. Julius-Kühn-Archiv no. 438, p 71 (in German).
* NPPO of Germany (2013-01, 2014-09).
* Hinrichs-Berger J, Müller G (2012) [Premature defoliation on apple trees in Baden-Württemberg caused by Marssonina coronaria]. Julius-Kühn-Archiv no. 438, p 71 (in German).
* NPPO of Germany (2013-01, 2014-09).
Country | State | Status | |
Austria | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Belgium | Present, no details | ||
Czech Republic | Present, widespread | ||
France | Present, no details | ||
Netherlands | Present, no details | ||
Switzerland | Present, restricted distribution |