Dendroctonus frontalis(DENCFR)
Distribution details in Israel
From CABI Pest map 634 (2002): Absent, pest no longer present
* Mendel, Z.; Argaman, Q. (1986) Discovery of the southern pine beetle, dendroctonus frontalis, in israel. Phytoparasitica 14 (4), 319-320.
------- Occurrence considered to pose a threat to pine plantations in Israel.
* Roll U, Dayan T, Simberloff D (2007) Non-indigenous insect species in Israel and adjacent areas. Biological Invasions 9, 629-643.
------- Established locally.
------- Occurrence considered to pose a threat to pine plantations in Israel.
* Roll U, Dayan T, Simberloff D (2007) Non-indigenous insect species in Israel and adjacent areas. Biological Invasions 9, 629-643.
------- Established locally.