EPPO Global Database

Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)

Distribution details in Greece (Kriti)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2012: Present, few occurrences
* Dimou, D.; Drossopoulou, J.; Moschos, E.; Varveri, C.; Bem, F. (2002) First report of Citrus tristeza virus in Greece. Plant Disease, 86(3), p 329.

* Elena K, Alivizatos AS, Varveri C (2008) New plant pathogens reported in Greece, 1990-2007. Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 1(1), 1-25.

* Owen C, Mathioudakis M, Gazivoda A, Gal P, Nol N, Kalliampakou K, Figas A, Bellan A, Iparaguirre A, Rubio L, Livieratos I (2014) Evolution and molecular epidemiology of Citrus tristeza virus on Crete: recent introduction of a severe strain. Journal of Phytopathology 162(11-12).

* Shegani M, Tsikou D, Velimirovic A, Afifi H, Karayanni A, Gazivoda A, Manevski K, Manakos I, Livieratos IC (2012) Citrus tristeza virus on the island of Crete: a survey and detection protocol applications. Journal of Plant Pathology 94(1), 71-78.
------- Survey conducted in 2009-2010: CTV detected in 38 citrus trees (out of more than 5000 tested trees), all located in the western part of the island.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Albania Present, restricted distribution view...
Türkiye Present, restricted distribution view...