EPPO Global Database

Closterovirus tristezae(CTV000)

Distribution details in Chile

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2014: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 1969
From CABI Disease map 289 (1998): Present, no details
From NPPO: Absent, pest no longer present
First record in 1969 on Meyer lemons, one satsuma, some tangelos, 3 Genova lemons, 2 rough lemons and 2 Bears limes (Weathers et al., 1969). Later, Yau (1970) found that the diseased trees were not imported commercially and were introduced from the US already budded; they recommended to uproot the diseased trees and not to use sour orange as a rootstock. Eradication measures were taken and CTV was no longer found (NPPO, 1993). However, in 1996, the disease was reported again (Sanchez, 1996).

From Besoain (2008) and Camps et al. (2014): present in almost all of citrus-producing regions.
* Besoain X (2008) Incidencia, cacterización y epidemiologia del virus de la tristeza de los cítricos en Chile. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España, 129 pp.

* Camps R, Castro M, Besoain X (2014) Simultaneous detection of CTV, CEVd and HSVd using Arizona 861 S1 Citron and RT-PCR. Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria 41(2), 255-261.

* Herra MG, Madariaga VM, Santalices AM (1995) Agricultura Tecnica (Santiago) 55 (2), 167-169.
------- Central Chile.

* NPPO of Chile (1993).

* Sanchez L (1996) La tristeza de los cítricos en Chile. In: Avances en sanidad vegetal de frutales y vides. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, pp 155-159.

* Weathers LG, Sánchez L, Platt RG (1969) Naturaleza y distribución de las enfermedades virosas en cítricos en Chile. Agricultura técnica 28 (4), 166-169. Santiago, Chile.

* Yau MC (1970) Transmisión natural del virus de la tristeza en dos huertos cítricos con focos positivos. Tesis Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Agricultura de Santiago, Chile, 100 pp.
Situation in neighbouring countries
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