EPPO Global Database

Hymenoscyphus fraxineus(CHAAFR)

Distribution details in Sweden

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2021: Present, widespread
First recorded in: 2001
From CABI Disease map 1060 (2013): Present, widespread
EPPO Reporting Service (2007/179) : only on the basis of symptoms.

EPPO Reporting Service (2008/128) : according to Halmschlager & Kirisits (2008), the presence of C. fraxinea in Sweden has been confirmed.

From Bengtsson et al. (2021): present across Sweden on ash trees.
* Bakys R, Vasaitis R, Barklund P, Thomsen IM, Stenlid J (2009) Occurrence and pathogenicity of fungi in necrotic and non-symptomatic shoots of declining common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in Sweden. European Journal of Forest Research 128, 51-60.

* Bengtsson SBK, Vasaitis R, Kirisits T, Solheim H, Stenlid J (2012) Population structure of Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus and its genetic relationship to Hymenoscyphus albidus. Fungal Ecology 5(2), 147-153.

* Bengtsson V, Stenström A, Finsberg C (2013) The impact of ash dieback on veteran and pollarded trees in Sweden. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 107 (1), 27-33.

* Bengtsson V, Stenström A, Wheater CP, Sandberg C (2021) The impact of ash dieback on veteran trees in southwestern Sweden. Baltic Forestry 27(1), 558. https://doi.org/10.46490/BF558

* Halmschlager E, Kirisits T (2008) First report of the ash dieback pathogen Chalara fraxinea on Fraxinus excelsior in Austria. New Disease Reports, Volume 17, February 2008 - July 2008. http://www.bspp.org.uk/ndr/july2008/2008-25.asp

* Stener LG (2013) Clonal differences in susceptibility to the dieback of Fraxinus excelsior in southern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 28(3), 205-216.

* Timmermann V, Borja I, Hietala AM, Kirisits T, Soldheim S (2011) Ash dieback: pathogen spread and diurnal patterns of ascospore dispersal, with special emphasis on Norway. EPPO Bulletin 41(1), 14-20.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
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Norway Present, restricted distribution view...