Carposina sasakii(CARSSA)
Distribution details in Russia
From CABI Pest map 511 (1990): Present, restricted distribution
From NPPO: Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (1996/120) : confirmed in 1994 as only in Amur, Evreu, Khabarovsk and Primor'e provinces.
EPPO Reporting Service (2021/002) : present in 4 federal subjects, the established quarantine zones cover 1145 ha in total.
* Akulov EN, Ponomarenko MG, Kirichenko NI (2019) Exploring fauna of Microlepidoptera in South Siberia: novel regional records and interception of quarantine species. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 12(4), 597-612.
* Anonymous (2020) Справочник по карантинному фитосанитарному состоянию территорий государств - участников СНГ на 01.01.2020 г. [Handbook of quarantine phytosanitary conditions in the territories of the CIS Member States as of 2020-01-01]. All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center. 92pp. Available at
* NPPO of Russia, 1995.
* Anonymous (2020) Справочник по карантинному фитосанитарному состоянию территорий государств - участников СНГ на 01.01.2020 г. [Handbook of quarantine phytosanitary conditions in the territories of the CIS Member States as of 2020-01-01]. All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center. 92pp. Available at
* NPPO of Russia, 1995.
Country | State | Status | |
China | Present, widespread | ||
China | Shanghai | Present, no details | |
China | Jiangsu | Present, no details | |
China | Anhui | Present, no details | |
China | Guangdong | Present, no details | |
China | Jiangxi | Present, widespread | |
China | Hunan | Present, no details | |
China | Xinjiang | Present, no details | |
China | Gansu | Present, no details | |
China | Guangxi | Present, no details | |
China | Hebei | Present, no details | |
China | Jilin | Present, no details | |
China | Shandong | Present, no details | |
China | Beijing | Present, no details | |
China | Hubei | Present, no details | |
China | Liaoning | Present, no details | |
China | Shanxi | Present, no details | |
China | Zhejiang | Present, no details | |
China | Fujian | Present, no details | |
China | Sichuan | Present, no details | |
China | Shaanxi | Present, no details | |
China | Yunnan | Present, no details | |
China | Henan | Present, no details | |
China | Heilongjiang | Present, no details | |
China | Neimenggu | Present, no details | |
China | Qinghai | Present, no details | |
China | Ningxia | Present, no details | |
China | Tianjin | Present, no details | |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | Present, no details |