EPPO Global Database

Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato(BRVPPH)

Distribution details in China

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2012: Present, no details
From CABI Pest map 106 (2013): Present, no details
* Beard, J. J.; Ochoa, R.; Bauchan, G. R.; Trice, M. D.; Redford, A. J.; Walters, T. W.; Mitter, C. (2012) Flat Mites of the World. Part I Raoiella and Brevipalpus. Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA; Fort Collins, Colorado.
------- Accessed 11 February 2013 at http://idtools.org/id/mites/flatmites/
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
India Present, widespread view...
India Jharkand Present, no details view...
India Himachal Pradesh Present, no details view...
India Assam Present, no details view...
India Karnataka Present, no details view...
India Kerala Present, no details view...
India Madhya Pradesh Present, no details view...
India Punjab Present, no details view...
India Tamil Nadu Present, no details view...
India Uttar Pradesh Present, no details view...
India West Bengal Present, no details view...
India Haryana Present, no details view...
Myanmar Present, no details view...
Pakistan Present, no details view...
Tajikistan Present, no details view...