Alternaria gaisen(ALTEKI)
Distribution details in Greece
From CABI Disease map 701 (2001): Absent, invalid record
* Dickens, J. S. W.; Cooke, R. T. A. (1995) OEPP Bulletin/EPPO Bulletin 25 (4), 651-659.
* Thanassoulopoulos, C. C.; Lazarides, E. D.; Efthimiades, N. (1990) Plant Disease 74 (9), 720.
------- Reported as pear black spot, but on European pear which has not otherwise been recorded as a host and identified later as A. alternata sensu stricto.
* Thanassoulopoulos, C. C.; Lazarides, E. D.; Efthimiades, N. (1990) Plant Disease 74 (9), 720.
------- Reported as pear black spot, but on European pear which has not otherwise been recorded as a host and identified later as A. alternata sensu stricto.