EPPO Global Database

Aleurocanthus spiniferus(ALECSN)

Distribution details in Italy

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2022: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 2008
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, only in some parts of the Member State concerned, under containment, in case eradication is impossible (2022-04)
Present in Puglia, Campania, Lazio, Basilicata, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscana, Sicilia.

EPPO Reporting Service (2008/092) : first found in April 2008 in the area of Supersano, province of Lecce (Puglia region).

From NPPO itself in 2009-01: surveys carried out in Puglia confirmed that A. spiniferus occurs in several locations in the province of Lecce (Alezio, Parabita, Casarano, Supersano, Matino, Racale, Collepasso, Ruffano, Gallipoli, Sannicola, Melissano). The pest was found on several crops, mainly citrus, grapevine, roses but also on other fruit trees and ornamental species. Eradication is not considered feasible.

EPPO Reporting Service (2010/147) : spread continues and the pest occurs on grapevine, pome and stone fruits, ornamentals across the province of Lecce (Puglia). Biological control is envisaged.

EPPO Reporting Service (2017/157) : in 2017, it was found on 2 citrus plants (Citrus limon and C. reticulata) in the urban area of Salerno (Campania region), and in Roma (Lazio region) in 5 sites.

EPPO Reporting Service (2019/133) : in 2018, it was found in Basilicata region on Citrus trees in an urban garden in Montalbano Jonico and in Emilia-Romagna (Bologna).

EPPO Reporting Service (2021/060) : found in Tuscana and Sicilia. Under containment.

EPPO Reporting Service (2022/103) : found in Liguria, Calabria, Lombardia.
* EFSA Plant Health Panel, Bragard C, Dehnen-Schmutz K, Di Serio F, Gonthier P, Jacques M-A, Jaques Miret JA, Justesen AF, Magnusson CS, Milonas P,Navas-Cortes JA, Parnell S, Potting R, Reignault PL, Thulke H-H, Van der Werf W, Vicent Civera A,Yuen J, Zappalà L, Navarro MN, Kertesz V, Czwienczek E and MacLeod A (2018) Scientific Opinion on the pest categorisation of Aleurocanthus spp. EFSA Journal 2018;16(10):5436, 31 pp.https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5436

* El Kenawy A, Cornara D, Corrado I, El-Heneidy A, Rapisarda C, Porcelli F (2014) Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Hemiptera Aleyrodidae) is spreading throughout the Italian region Apulia. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Agricultural Symposium 'Agrosym 2014' (Jahorina, BA, 2014-10-23/26)
------- Lecce, Taranto and Bari districts in Puglia region.

* NPPO of Italy (2009-01, 2010-07, 2017-07, 2019-06, 2020-12, 2021-01, 2021-03, 2021-06, 2022-01,2022-04).

* Porcelli F (2008) First record of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in Apulia, Southern Italy. EPPO Bulletin 38(3), 516-518.

* Rapisarda C, Longo S (2021) First report from Sicily (Italy) of the orange spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), and its potential risk for the Italian citrus industry. EPPO Bulletin,51(2), 329-332.
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