EPPO Global Database

Advanced search

1. Names or EPPO codes

1.1 You can search for a taxon by entering its:
- names (scientific or common names) or its EPPO code (e.g. Bemisia tabaci, cotton whitefly or BEMITA)
- preferred name only (e.g. Bemisia tabaci) - names only (e.g. Bemisia tabaci, cotton whitefly)
- EPPO code only (e.g. BEMITA)  
By defaut, this first search criteria is set on 'Names or EPPO codes'.

1.2 Full text search

- EPPO Reporting Service: search for a name (or any other term) through the titles and full texts of the EPPO Reporting Service articles.

2. You can choose to search for: - names (or codes) starting with a given chain of characters (e.g. Bemisia tab, BEMIT) - names (or codes) which contain a given chain of characters (e.g. tabaci)  
By defaut, the search mode is set on 'Starting with'.

3. You can also restrict your search to a given type of organism, taxonomic group of organisms, or non-taxonomic entities:
3.1 Species level
- plant
- animal
- microorganism
3.2 Taxonomic group level
- plant taxonomic group
- animal taxonomic group
- microorganism group

3.3 Other

- non taxonomic group
- commodity  
By defaut, the type of organism is set on 'All'.

4. Language

You can restrict your search for names to a given language.
By defaut, the language is set on 'All'.

If you want to view deactivated codes in your search results, tick the appropriate box.