Workshop: Feasibility of Biological Control of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe
On 2007-04-22/27 in Montpellier (FR) (see EPPO RS 2006/08), an International Workshop on the Feasibility of Biological Control of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in Europe will be organized. The programme is the following:
- Presentation of results of the international meeting of experts, Vienna (AGES), September 27th, 2006 (see EPPO RS 2006/09)
- Success of biological control of a closely related species in Australia
- Results in Russia and Croatia
- List of known biological control agents
- Species under consideration in Italy and Hungary
- Feasibility of biological control programmes in Europe.
Contact: Dominique Coutinot, EBCL, USDA-ARS
12th International Symposium on the Biological Control of Weeds 22-27 April 2007 – Montpellier (FR). -