EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 2007 Num. article: 2007/011

Grapevine flavescence dorée found in Bourgogne, France

In France, Grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasma (EPPO A2 List) was detected for the first time in 2004 in Bourgogne. One plant was found infected at Saint-Gengoux-le-National (Saône-et-Loire). In 2005, another vineyard (Puligny-Montrachet, Côte d’Or) was found infected. Eradication measures were immediately taken (compulsory treatments against the vector, Scaphoideus titanus, and destruction of infected plants), and surveys were made to delimit the extent of the disease in this region (Paupelard et al., 2006). On the first site, the phytoplasma was not detected in 2005 and 2006 and the disease is now considered eradicated. At Puligny-Montrachet, eradication continues as one sample was found infected in 2006. A new infected site was found at Meloisey (Côte d’Or) in a vineyard planted in 2005 and the plants were of the same origin as in the two other infected sites. Eradication measures will be taken. So far, Grapevine flavescence dorée has been found in the vineyards of Aquitaine, Charentes, Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Pays de Loire and Corse. In northern vineyeards, it has been found very locally in Bourgogne and Champagne (in this last region, Scaphoideus titanus has not been observed).


Anonymous (2007) Bourgogne – Flavescence dorée, plus un moins un. Phytoma – La Défense des Végétaux no. 600, p 2.
Paupelard L, Magnien L, Moyse S (2006) Les prospections flavescence dorée en Bourgogne – Surveillance draconienne par la FREDON et le SRPV avec le soutien de toute la profession. Phytoma – La Défense des Végétaux no. 598, 25-27.