Situation of Diaphania perspectalis in Germany
Diaphania perspectalis (synonym Glyphodes perspectalis, Lepidoptera: Pyralidae – EPPO Alert List) is a Buxus pest of Asian origin which was first found in Germany in 2007 (EPPO RS 2007/215). It was detected in Baden-Württemberg, in the city of Weil am Rhein and its surroundings. According to observations made by a network of lepidopterists, the pest has continued to spread in Germany. As of September 2008, D. perspectalis was present in Baden-Württemberg, in Weil am Rhein and its surroundings (Bad Bellingen, Stetten, Tumringen) and newly reported from Kehl. In addition, new records were received from Nordrhein-Westphalen (Rommerskirchen, Mönchengladbach) and Niedersachsen (Salzbergen).
Lepiforum. Bestimmungshilfe für die in Europa nachgewiesenen Schmetterlingsarten.