EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 10 - 2008 Num. article: 2008/195

Dryocosmus kuriphilus continues to spread in Italy

In Italy, Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae – EPPO A2 List) was found for the first time in 2002 in Piemonte region, near Cuneo, attacking chestnut (Castanea sativa) (EPPO RS 2003/061). It was later found in Abruzzo and Lazio (EPPO RS 2006/027). Despite phytosanitary measures which were implemented in accordance with EU Directive 2006/464 to contain and eradicate the pest, D. kuriphilus continued to spread in Italy and its presence was reported in 2007 and 2008 in the Italian regions listed below. In some regions and in particular when D. kuriphilus has been found in forests, eradication is no longer considered feasible and studies are being carried out on the possible use of a biological control agent, Torymus sinensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Intensive surveys are continuing in Italy to determine the extent of D. kuriphilus spread.
The situation of Dryocosmus kuriphilus in Italy can be described as follows: Present, first recorded in 2002 in Piemonte, scattered outbreaks in Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Toscana, Trentino-Alto Adige, Sardegna, Veneto, under official control.

A single outbreak of D. kuriphilus was found in March/April 2008 in the communes of Montoro Superiore (province of Avellino) and Fisciano (province of Salerno).

D. kuriphilus was first found in May 2008 in the province of Reggio Emilia. The pest was then detected in other sites of the Appennini foothills in the provinces of Parma, Modena and Forlí-Cesena. Phytosanitary measures have been taken to contain the pest (destruction of infested plant parts, restriction on plant movements). Eradication of the pest is not considered feasible but biological control will be envisaged.

D. kuriphilus was first found in April 2007 in the province of Savona (communes of Murialdo and Massimino). The pest was later found in several other communes of the province of Savona, as well as in the province of Imperia.

Two outbreaks of D. kuriphilus were first detected in 2006 in the communes of Albino (province of Bergamo) and Sonico (province of Brescia). The latter was immediately eradicated. In 2007, D. kuriphilus was found in a small garden in Lodi. In 2008, the pest was found at Esine (Brescia), Bagolino (Brescia), Ternate and Venegono Superiore (Varese). In all cases, it could be ascertained that the pest had been introduced on infested planting material from Piemonte.

In June 2008, the presence of D. kuriphilus was reported from several communes in the provinces of Massa Carrara (Aulla, Carrara, Fivizzano, Fosdinovo, Massa, Montignoso), Prato (Cantagallo, Montemurlo, Prato, Vaiano), Firenze (Pontassieve), and Pistoia (Larciano, Quarrata).

Trentino-Alto Adige
Outbreaks of D. kuriphilus were reported in 2007 in two communes of the province of Trento (Civezzano and Pergine) and in 2008 in Terlano (province of Bolzano).

Outbreaks were found in 2008 in the communes of Aritzo, Belví and Tonara. Phytosanitary measures have been taken to prevent any further spread but it is considered that eradication is no longer feasible.

In May 2007, D. kuriphilus was detected in a chestnut plantation for fruit production in the commune of Cavaso del Tomba (province of Treviso).


Campania - Regione Campania. Assessorato all’Agricoltura e alle Attivita Produttive. http://www.sito.regione.campania.it/agricoltura/comunicati/comunicato_24_04_08t.html
Emilia-Romagna - Regional Plant Protection Service, Emilia-Romagna (IT), 2008-08.
Liguria – Agriligurianet. Sito official della Regione Liguria per l’agricoltura (News of 2008-05-15) . Cinipide del castagno: si aluunga l’elenco dei comuni interessati. http://www.agriligurianet.it
Lombardia - Regione Lombardia Agricoltura. Boriani M (2008) Stop al cinipide del castagno. Lombardia verde no. 5, p 13. http://www.agricoltura.regione.lombardia.it/admin/rla_Documenti/1-3736/cinipide.pdf
Toscana - META (Monitoraggio Estensivo dei boschi della Toscana a fini fitosanitari). News of 2008-09-12. http://meta.arsia.toscana.it/meta/meta?id_cms_doc=1;id_news=250
Trentino-Alto Adige – Sito ufficiale Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige. Supplemento no. 1 al Bolletino Ufficiale no. 33/I-II (2007-08-14). http://www.regione.taa.it/bu/2007/S1330701.pdf
Bolletino Ufficiale no.25/I-II (2008-06-17). http://www.regione.taa.it/bu/2008/BO250801.pdf
Sardegna – SardegnaAgricoltura. Misure contro la diffusione del cinipide del castagno. http://www.sardegnaagricoltura.it/index.php?xsl=443;s=87125;v=2;c=3527
Veneto – Regione Veneto. Decreti del Dirigente dell’ unita’ periferica per i Servizi Fitosanitari n. del 22 giugno 2007. http://bur.regione.veneto.it/BurvServices/Pubblica/DettaglioDecreto.aspx?id=198543