First report of Epitrix brevis in Italy and in the EPPO region
The NPPO of Italy recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of the first finding of Epitrix brevis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on its territory. This is a first finding for the EPPO region.
In February 2025, the University of Naples reported to the Campania Plant Protection Service the discovery of ten adult specimens of Epitrix brevis previously collected in the municipality of Omignano (province of Salerno, Campania region), on the weed Solanum nigrum. The infested plants showed damage to the leaves. The specimens were collected in May and July 2024 along the edge of a mountain road. The identity of the species was confirmed by morphological analysis by a specialist of this taxonomic group, and by molecular analysis. The Campania Phytosanitary Service in collaboration with the University of Naples has prepared an express PRA whose results foresee the adoption of initial phytosanitary measures, such as appropriate surveys on the territory.
Epitrix brevis is a North American flea beetle feeding on solanaceous plants. So far, it has only been reported from Canada and the USA. Very limited data exists on this species. Other Epitrix species damaging potato tubers are regulated in the EU (Epitrix cucumeris, Epitrix papa, Epitrix subcrinita and Epitrix tuberis)
The pest status of Epitrix brevis is Italy is officially declared as: Transient, actionable, under surveillance.
It may be noted that signs of infestation on potato tubers by an unidentified Epitrix species had been observed in November 2024 in Emilia-Romagna region (northern Italy) (EPPO RS 2024/238). The NPPO of Italy conducted a survey in the outbreak location with sweep nets, and inspection of volunteer potato plants. No evidence of the pest was found. Preventive phytosanitary measures will be applied in 2025 and include restriction on cropping solanaceous crops, control of weed hosts, and cleaning of machinery used in the infested field.
NPPO of Italy (2024-12, 2025-02)