EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 09 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/206

Sporobolus cryptandrus in Hungary

Sporobolus cryptandrus (Poaceae) was added to the EPPO Alert List in 2022 due to the species exhibiting invasive behaviour in Hungary (EPPO RS 2022/071). It is native to North America and reported as an invasive species in Argentina, Australia and the EPPO region. In the EPPO region it can invade ruderal habitats, sand dunes and natural grassland. S. cryptandrus was originally reported from Hungary in 2016 near the city of Kiskunhalas, in Central Hungary. In July 2022 and spring 2023, two separate surveys in central Hungary were conducted to record the distribution of S. cryptandrus in a sand dune system and over a wider area, respectively. In the sand dunes, S. cryptandrus was recorded in 39 % of randomly placed quadrats (each 16 m2). In the wider area, when comparing the known distribution in 2016 with the present day records, the increase in distribution extends 46 km in an east-west and 45 km in a north-south direction. Overall, the results show that in 2023, S. cryptandrus has populations which are distributed in an area of over 591 km2. The spread of S. cryptandrus can be attributed to its prolific seed production and dispersal mechanisms (wind dispersed) coupled with its ability to tolerate a wide range of climatic conditions. In some of the areas surveyed, S. cryptandrus has become the dominant species indicating that it can have a strong impact on community plant structure and ecosystem functions. This is of concern, as the Pannonian biogeographical region harbours a high number of endemic species and critically endangered habitats.


Kröel-Dulay G, Rigó A, Tanács E, Szitár K, Ónodi G, Aradi E, Bakró-Nagy Z, Biró M, Botta-Dukát Z, Kalapos T, Kelemen A, Laborczi A, Pásztor L, Rabuogi QA, Mojzes A (2024) Explosive spread of sand dropseed (Sporobolus cryptandrus), a C4 perennial bunchgrass, threatens unique grasslands in Hungary (Central Europe), NeoBiota 95 59-75.