EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 09 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/193

First report of Scirtothrips ginkgoe in France and in the EPPO region, and eradication

In August 2023, very severe damage was observed on Ginkgo biloba in a place of production covering 180 ha in Gironde department (Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, South-Western France). The Ginkgo biloba trees have been grown for over 30 years to produce leaves for the pharmaceutical industry. Symptoms appeared over a few weeks. The French reference laboratory identified the cause of the symptoms to the presence of a thrips, Scirtothrips ginkgoe (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). This is the first time that this species, first described in China in 2012, is detected outside its native area in China. It is only known to occur in Zhejiang and was only recorded from G. biloba.

To date, the origin of the infestation is unknown. No plants for planting of ginkgo have been introduced into the production place for over 30 years. It may be noted that the site is located less than 3 km from Bordeaux–Mérignac Airport. At the request of regional phytosanitary service, phytosanitary treatments (insecticides) have been applied in the place of production and precautionary measures have been implemented by the producer to prevent the spread of this emerging pest. A monitoring plan was implemented including trapping, leaf beating and visual examination up to June 2024. No specimens of S. ginkgoe were found and no damage has been observed. The NPPO of France considered that the pest has been eradicated.

The pest status of Scirtothrips ginkgoe in France is officially declared as: Absent, pest eradicated.


NPPO of France (2024-08).

Mirab-balou M, Tong XL, Chen XX (2012) A new species of Scirtothrips infesting Ginkgo biloba in eastern China. Journal of Insect Science 12(1), 117. https://doi.org/10.1673/031.012.11701