EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 09 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/186

EPPO/NEPPO Contingency Exercise Workshop – Xylella fastidiosa (Hammamet, TN, 2025-05-26/28): first announcement

An EPPO/NEPPO Contingency Exercise Workshop for a pest outbreak will be held on 2025-05-26/28 in Hammamet, Tunisia. This workshop is organised in collaboration with the FAO Sub-Regional Office Tunisia, the FAO Regional Office Cairo, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the BeXyl Beyond Xylella Project.

The purposes of the workshop will be to:

  1. Simulate the experience of a plant health emergency, using as a scenario a finding of Xylella fastidiosa;
  2. Experiment with responses to an emergency;
  3. Test whether relevant contingency plans are available and fit for purpose;
  4. Test availability and relevance of other resources;
  5. Provide experience in communicating key messages during an emergency;
  6. Learn why and how to develop contingency plans;
  7. Learn how to carry out an emergency response exercise.

Please indicate your interest in attending this workshop by Friday 29th November 2024 using the following link: http://meeting.eppo.int/index.php/U8472

For more information, consult our webpage: https://www.eppo.int/MEETINGS/2025_meetings/wk_contingency_workshop


EPPO Secretariat (2024-09).