EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 08 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/173

First report of Acidovorax citrulli in Russia

Acidovorax citrulli (EPPO A1 List) is the causal agent of bacterial fruit blotch disease of cucurbits. Two outbreaks have been recently reported in the Yaroslavl region (Central Russia) and Orenburg region (Southern Russia). This is the first report of this bacterium in Russia. Quarantine zones have been defined and phytosanitary measures are being applied.

The situation of Acidovorax citrulli in Russia can be described as follows: Present, not widely distributed, under official control


Rosselkhoznadzor Press release (2024-06-17) Россельхознадзор обеспокоен появлением на территории России двух очагов отсутствовавшего ранее карантинного объекта [Rosselkhoznadzor is concerned about the appearance on the territory of Russia of two outbreaks of a previously absent quarantine object]. https://fsvps.gov.ru/news/rosselhoznadzor-obespokoen-pojavleniem-na-territorii-rossii-dvuh-ochagov-otsutstvovavshego-ranee-karantinnogo-vreditelja/