EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 07 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/147

First report of Dacus ciliatus in Italy

The NPPO of Italy recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of the first finding of Dacus ciliatus (Diptera: Tephritidae – EPPO A2 List) on its territory. In July 2023, two male specimens of D. ciliatus were caught in two traps (about 500 m away from each other) in the municipality of Palma Campania (province of Napoli, region of Campania). The identity of the pest was confirmed by morphological and molecular tests. The traps were baited with methyl eugenol. Both traps are located in the area infested with Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae – EPPO A1 List) (EPPO RS 2024/034). It is noted that one of the traps is located near a warehouse that imports and processes pumpkins from South Africa (where D. ciliatus occurs). An insecticide treatment has been applied in the two trapping sites. Surveillance will carry on with an increased number of traps baited with torula or ammonium salts.

The pest status of Dacus ciliatus in Italy has not yet been determined.


NPPO of Italy (2024-07).