EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 10 - 2023 Num. article: 2023/233

Update of the situation of Pomacea sp. in Spain

Pomacea maculata (EPPO A2 List), the island apple snail, was first found in Spain in July 2010 in the Ebro delta, in the province of Tarragona (Cataluña) (EPPO RS 2012/039). A demarcated area had been established in the municipalities of Baix Ebre and Montsia. In June 2017, another outbreak (150 eggs of Pomacea sp.) was detected in the municipality of Miravet (province of Tarragona, Cataluña), 40 km upstream of the demarcated area. The demarcated area was then extended to cover also the municipalities of Miravet and Ginestar (Ribera d’Ebre county). Official measures were applied following the EU Decision 2012/697/EU. Surveys conducted in 2019-2023 did not detect any Pomacea sp. in the municipalities of Miravet and Ginestar and the outbreak in these municipalities is therefore considered eradicated. As of July 2023, the demarcated area has been reduced to the municipalities of Baix Ebre and Montsia.

The pest status of Pomacea sp. in Spain is officially declared as: Present, under eradication, only in some parts of the Member State concerned.


NPPO of Spain (2023-08).

ORDRE ACC/107/2023, de 2 de maig, per la qual es modifica l'Ordre AAR/404/2010, de 27 de juliol, per la qual es declara oficialment l'existència d'un focus del cargol poma a l'hemidelta esquerre de l'Ebre. Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya 8910. https://dogc.gencat.cat/ca/document-del-dogc/?documentId=959366

EU (2012) Commission Implementing Decision 2012/697/EU of 8 November 2012 as regards measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Union of the genus Pomacea (Perry) Official Journal of the European Union 311/(55) http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2012/697/oj