EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 10 - 2021 Num. article: 2021/221

First report of flavescence dorée in grapevine in Montenegro

In September 2021, the presence of grapevine flavescence dorée was reported for the first time in Montenegro. During official surveys carried out on Scaphoideus titanus (which occurs in Montenegro) and flavescence dorée, the phytoplasma was detected in the municipality of Bar (near Godinje) in one grapevine (Vitis vinifera) plant. Studies have also indicated that the genotype (Map-FD3 M51, Vectotype Vmp-III) found in the grapevine plant is the one that is commonly found in Clematitis vitalba and Dictyophara europaea samples in Serbia and Montenegro. This suggests that the infection detected in grapevine could originate from a natural reservoir.

Phytosanitary measures are being taken to prevent any further spread of the disease: an infected zone has been delimited with a radius of 1 km around the infected plant and a buffer zone of 5 km radius; the infected plant will be uprooted and destroyed, as well as other plants of the vineyard showing suspicious symptoms; surveys will be conducted, and additional samples will be collected for testing; and control measures against the vector will continue.


Directorate for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs 

- Notice (2021-09-27) [First finding of Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis (Flavescence dorée) – the causal agent of grapevine yellows]. https://ubh.gov.me/pretraga/244873/OBAVJEsTENJE-Prvi-nalaz-fitoplazme-Candidatus-Phytoplasma-vitis-Flavescence-dor-e-prouzrokovaca-zlatne-zutice-vinove-loze.html (in Montenegrin).

- Notice (2021-10-08) [Genotyping of a vine sample confirmed that Phytoplasma Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis (Flavescence dorée) originated from a natural reservoir] https://ubh.gov.me/pretraga/244929/OBAVJEsTENJE-Genotipizacija-uzorka-vinove-loze-potvrdila-da-je-fitoplazma-Candidatus-Phytoplasma-vitis-Flavescence-dor-e-porijek.html (in Montenegrin).

NPPO of Montenegro (2021-10).