EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 09 - 2021 Num. article: 2021/190

Isolated findings of Lycorma delicatula in Rhode Island, Vermont and Kansas (US)

During August and September 2021, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae - EPPO A1 List) was reported for the first time from several US states. However, all new reports correspond to isolated findings and there is no evidence of established populations. Information campaigns are ongoing to inform growers, municipalities and residents, and citizens are invited to report any suspect findings.

In August 2021, L. delicatula was reported for the first time in Rhode Island. A single specimen was found in an industrial/commercial area in Warwick, but no established populations were observed.

In August 2021, several specimens of L. delicatula were found on a shipment delivered by a lorry in Rutland, Vermont. One live specimen was kept for identification and the others were killed. The shipment concerned was treated and traps were placed in the area where the insect was intercepted. No other specimens or signs of L. delicatula on potential host trees (Ailanthus altissima, Juglans and Salix) were detected. It is considered that the pest has been eradicated from Vermont. 

In September 2021, during the Kansas State Fair a student presented his insect collection which contained a dead specimen of L. delicatula collected from Thomas county (Kansas). One of the Fair’s judges was familiar with L. delicatula and informed the phytosanitary authorities. Surveys will be conducted to try to identify how this specimen was introduced into Kansas which is more than 1 700 km away from other known infested areas.


Hays Post (2021-09-13) Discovery of invasive bug bad news for state of Kansas. https://hayspost.com/posts/3ce80980-633a-4a66-8c62-feb709ea3e36 (via USDA - National Invasive Species Information Center: https://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/terrestrial/invertebrates/spotted-lanternfly)

Rhode Island Government. Press Release (2021-08-06) Spotted lanternfly, an invasive pest targeting plants and trees, detected for first time in Rhode Island. https://www.ri.gov/press/view/41798

State of Vermont (US). Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (2021-08-30) Invasive insect ‘spotted lanternfly’ found in out-of-state shipment to Rutland, Vermont. https://agriculture.vermont.gov/agency-agriculture-food-markets-news/invasive-insect-%E2%80%98spotted-lanternfly%E2%80%99-found-out-state-shipment