EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 2019 Num. article: 2019/234

Update on the situation of Anoplophora glabripennis in Italy

In Italy Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae – EPPO A1 List) was first found in 2007 in the province of Milano (Lombardia region) (EPPO RS 2007/166, 2014/023). It was later found in Veneto region in 2009, in Marche region in 2013 and in Piemonte in 2018. In all regions, it is subject to eradication measures.

The NPPO of Italy recently provided an update of the situation of this pest in Marche, in Piemonte and in Veneto.

In Marche, A. glabripennis was first found in the municipality of Grottazzolina (Fermo province) in August 2013 (EPPO RS 2013/189, 2014/064). At the end of July 2019, the presence of the pest was detected in two new sites, outside the demarcated areas already established:

  • One is located in the municipality of Fermo (Fermo province), 12 km away from the known outbreak area. To date, 1 Acer and 1 Ulmus trees near a small commercial area were found to be infested. Adult specimens have also been found. 
  • The other site is located in in the municipality of Civitanova (Macerata province), 12 km away from the known outbreak area. To date, 3 Aesculus, 6 Acer, 1 Populus and 1 Ulmus tree were found to be infested. Adult specimens have also been found.

In both cases, a delimiting survey is ongoing. Phytosanitary measures in accordance with the Decision (EU) 2015/893 will be adopted, including treatments and felling of infested plants and host plants (as specified in the EU Decision) within a radius of 100 m around infested plants.

In Piemonte, A. glabripennis was first found in July 2018 in the municipality of Vaie (Torino province) and in September 2018 in the municipality of Cuneo (Cuneo province) (EPPO RS 2018/191). Phytosanitary measures have been taken.

  • In Vaie, all infested plants (34 Acer pseudoplatanus, 1 Acer palmatum and 1 Salix) were felled, as well as all host plants within a radius of 100 m (587 plants). 24 040 plants were inspected in the buffer zone. Activities to raise public awareness have been carried out.
  • In Cuneo, all infested plants identified (87 Acer, 3 Betula and 1 Aesculus) were felled, as well as all host plants within a radius 100 m (744 plants of the genera Aesculus, Acer, Betula, Populus, Salix, Ulmus). 38 236 plants were inspected in the buffer zone. 

In Veneto, A. glabripennis was first found in the municipality of Cornuda and the neighbouring municipality of Maser in 2009 and 2010 respectively (EPPO RS 2009/157, 2010/201, 2014/010). Eradication measures have been applied since then. Official surveys are carried out: in 2018, about 25,000 host plants were checked within the demarcated area. No infested plants were found in 2017 and 2018. 

The pest status of Anoplophora glabripennis in Italy is officially declared as: Present, under eradication.


NPPO of Italy (2019-06,2019-07, 2019-08, 2019-09).

EU (2015) Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/893 of 9 June 2015 as regards measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Union of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky). OJL 146, 16–28. http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2015/893/oj

